Be sure to check out the Events page for upcoming events, and the Calendar tab for any other happenings throughout the week!
Worship at Hosanna!
Martin Luther's simple definition of worship remains valid: "nothing else" need ever happen "except that our dear Lord Himself may speak to us through His holy Word and we respond to Him through prayer and praise." The essential moments of public worship are reading, preaching (including the presence and proclamation of Christ in the sacraments) and prayer. With this in mind, we offer the following worship opportunities:
Worship Schedule: 8:30 and 11:00 Children's Sunday School and Adult Bible Study: 9:45
Traditional Worship Live at 8:30AM Posted Below shortly after
Traditional Worship celebrates a variety of traditional liturgy and hymns. This worship service celebrates the Lord Jesus with the heritage of the historic Lutheran Church. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated the first, third and fifth weekends of each month.
Contemporary/Praise Worship Live at 11:00AM
Posted Below shortly after
Praise Worship uses a variety of contemporary Christian songs; music is led by a variety of instrumentalists and singers. This worship service retains the heritage of Word and Sacrament while "singing to the Lord a new song" (Psalm 96:1). The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated the first, third and fifth weekends of each month.
Hosanna's worship service livestreams and videos also can be seen on Facebook
Email from a guest at Hosanna... "Thanks so much for your kind hospitality on Sunday. Your folks were very welcoming. Without even knowing who I was, people were introducing themselves and checking in with me to see if I needed anything. The gentleman in the pew with me was especially friendly. If I were a secret shopper -- well, let’s just say that I was impressed. I really enjoyed the entire service. You’ve got a great church."